
Monday, March 28, 2011

Blog Awards

I'm so honored that I have received 3 blog awards from some of my followers. Thank You very much, with this post I will post each award and the things I need to do to accept it.

The first award is a "Stylish Blogger Award" I received from Sue In CT, Sue thank you so much.

Upon receiving this award I must…
*Thank the person who gave this award to me and link back to their blog
*Share 8 things about myself
*Pass this award to 8 other individuals that I have recently discovered
*Leave a comment so that they can pass along the recognition.

8 Things about me:

1. My favorite color is Blue
2. I enjoy playing softball with my daughter
3. My mom is my best friend and crafty partner
4. I've been beading jewelry for about 6 years
5. I love photography
6. I've only been paper crafting for about 1 year, and LOVE IT.
7. I have two wonderful, beautiful children.  Daughter 12 and Son 6
8. I enjoy going camping.

I would like to pass this award on to:
Please check out these awesome ladies, they have great stuff on their blogs.

1. Rachel - - DONE
2. Karen - - DONE
3. Karen - - DONE
4. JoJo -  - DONE
5. Sandy - - DONE
6. Jackie - - DONE
7. ARJackson - - DONE
8. Kim - - DONE

The second award is  "The Versatile Blogger" I received from Jessica chick-n-scrap, thank you Jessica.

The rules of this award are as followed,

1.  Thank the person who sent it to you - DONE
2.  Tell 7 things about yourself - View 1st award
3.  Send this to 15 bloggers - view blogs above

The third award is another "Versatile Blogger Award" from Marquel-Paper Manie-iac, thank you so much Marquel.
Versatile Blogger Award requirements:

1. Thank the person who sent it to you - DONE
2. Tell 7 things about yourself  - View 1st blog award
3. Send this to 15 bloggers - view blogs above.

Thank you again ladies for awarding me these awesome awards.  Please check out these blogs, they all have great ideas and inspiration.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7


  1. aww thank you so much for the award ruby! I feel so honored since this will be my first ever! :) your so sweet! :)

  2. I love your blog! I have a versitile award for you too :) It's posted on my blog. Sorry you have 2 now!

    Tiffany -

  3. Congratulations on your awards! Your blog is awesome.

    I am so glad I found your blog! Momo sent me and I can't wait to see what you create next... I am a new follower.


  4. I'm so honored :) Thank you for the award Ruby!!! :)



  5. Thank you for the award. I am thrilled you like my blog.


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